
Home of KU-Industry Cooperation


To foster collaborative research among academic, industrial and governmental organizations, Korea University took initiative and established KUTC, the very first industry-academy collaborative research center in Korea, within the College of Engineering in 1996. KUTC has since lent its facilities and services to industry and government organizations and helped them pursue research goals with the help of faculty and students of the College of Engineering at Korea University.


  • KUTC is committed to advancing the state-of-the-art knowledge and technologies in engineering via evidence-based research and education by integrating the vision and practical expertise of the venture capital companies nestled within the complex the theoretical expertise of the faculty the research resources and infrastructure of the College of Engineering at Korea University in industry-academy collaborative research endeavors.


  • The plan for KUTC was announced in July 1992. The foundation committee was formed in August 1993 and the management team of researchers was selected by April 1996. As of February 2009, three buildings comprise the facilities of KUTC. The construction of the first two buildings, the "Academic and Industrial Wing" with the floor space of about 16,860 m2 and the "Engineering Wing" with the floor space of about 18,512m2, was completed in June 1996, followed by the grand celebration of the opening of the research complex in October 1996. With increasing demand and requests from industrial partners, the management team of KUTC decided to expand its facilities in 1999, and the construction of "Creation Wing" of 18,182 m2 floor space was completed in September 2003. Currently, KUTC has approximately 20 member companies, including Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, LG Hitachi, LG CNS, KT, KTF, POSCON, Toraysaehan, and Samyang.


  • Pursuit of Industry-University Research Partnerships

    KUTC provides administrative services for collaborative research projects between the College of Engineering and its member companies. KUTC promotes excellence in "practical" engineering research. With its reputation, expertise, infrastructure and industrial and governmental partnerships, KUTC takes part in shaping and forging new government policies on engineering research, education and technologies in addition to carrying out government-sponsored projects in industry-academy collaborative research set-up with its member companies.

    Future Technology Fostering Center

    To support the establishment of businesses by venture companies, KUTC founded the Future Technology Fostering Center in 1997. Since its foundation, the center has extended University facilities and provided tailored guidance from professors to over 20 venture companies for various tasks including business establishment and technical development, provision of human resources for R&D and overseas marketing support services, etc.

Management Philosophy